Friday 16 September 2011

Preliminary: Peer Assessment

I decided to evaluate Aymens  preliminary task.. Aymens preliminary video  illustrates that his group met the criteria s that was required, for example, match on action, and shot reverse shot. One thing that really impressed me which I could have included in my preliminary is the sound. The use of sound enabled the audience to feel worried, for example, at the beginning the character in a red shirt, says "im gonna get him", and the music slowly comes starts. The builds suspense and makes the audience want to watch what happens next. However, if  Aymen's video had no sound, the audiences would not feel as engaged.

One thing Aymen's group did not focus on is the lighting, lighting is very important. When the character in red is talking to "Aymen"  the lighting is very. therefore his group could have added some light. The would have enabled the audience to identify how Aymen feels through his facial expressions, therefore, engaging the audience by making them view the characters perspective.

Furthermore, in order to make any further improvements I would suggest they could have improved one editing by adding some effects. For example, fade in and out, dissolve, and blur. This would make the video more engaging, however to conclude overall, i strongly think that the video was very good. The used there skills very wisely, there are some bits that can be improved but because the criteria was met, its was very good and exciting.

By doing a peer assessment it has enabled me to see what i can improve on my preliminary task on for example, focus on the sound and adding effects and what I have done well. Also, it give me a deeper understanding the importance of shot list and script.

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