Tuesday 29 November 2011

Planning: Animatic

Here is my groups animatic of the story board of what will happen in our thriller opening

Friday 25 November 2011

Planning: Story board

The story board is very important because it is builds guidance as to what each shot should look like therefore acts like a plan. Having done some research I found that all film producers construct a story board and the most successful thriller movies are usually the ones with a good detailed story board. Down below are evidence that I created a story board for my thriller opening.

These two images represent the whole story board.

This image shows when the character identifies the body, the camera shot will be a close up of the character so show the audience the characters facial expression. This will make the audience feel towards the character.

The book will be taken from a high angle and will also be a close up. This tells the audience that the book is very significant.

Thursday 24 November 2011

Planning: Shot list

The shot list lets me know what happening in each shot and what types of shot/camera angles will take place. The image below represents the shot list we made, this will help us know exactly what type of camera shots we will use and when, therefore, it also acts like a guidance.

Here is evidence of our shot list.

Wednesday 23 November 2011

Planning: Location

There were lots of locations we could have in our movie, for example:

1. shed
2. house
3. garage
4. park
5. outside local area
6. near high road
7. dessert
8. sea side
9. alley way
10. supermarket

We decided that our location for our thriller opening would dominantly take place in a house. The reason for this is because i was very inspired by "When a stranger calls". It was situated in a house which makes the movie more realistic, connecting to the audience. down below are some pictures i took of the house i thought we should shoot the opening in. I decided that it should be in this room because the atmosphere is realistic and can connect to the audience room as it is very "typical".

Saturday 19 November 2011

Planning: Class feedback on pitch

Having done our pitch we decided to represent it to our class. We talked through each slide however, the teacher told us that our story was rather confusing due to the way we talked about it and wrote it, She told us to make is very clear to prevent any confusements. Also, by having feedback it enables me to have guidance as to what I should improve in order to attract my audience attention and make a successful thriller movie.

Friday 18 November 2011

Planning: Pitch

Here is a presentation of our pitch in order to distribute our thriller movies to other companies by showing our initial ideas of our thriller movie.

Thursday 17 November 2011

Planning: How my opening fits with genre and audience with examples:

Genre: My opening movie genre is a thriller because it is a Psychosomatic thriller. It is
about a character who has amnesia, who is currently involved in crime. Therefore,the protagonist is always portrayed as a victim and the victim is suffering. Moreover, Memento is a thriller film whereby the character suffers from amnesia. therefore, this is evidence that my genre is a thriller movie.

Audience: My thriller opening fits with my audience because they are are middle class people who will go to the cinema on a Saturday/Sunday to watch movies. The character in my opening is of working class however, my target audience are also middle class, therefore, they will be more engaged as there is a clear differences how each class lives. 

Planning: Target audience

 Identifying the target audience is one of the key to successful movies. By identifying my target audience I will be able to see what types of images, footage, costumes, and graphic ect my thriller movie can consist off.

In our group we were influenced by "Memento" and "Seven" therefore, our thriller movie is a combination of both movies. One way I identified my audience research is by looking how other movies and magazine identify there target audience, for example http://www.nme.com/mediapack/. This tells me who exactly the target audience is and why. 

To define the Target audience there are range of factors this depends on for example 

• Age
• Location
• Gender
• Income level

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Plot - Ending

For our ending I did a bit of market research and got peoples opinions of what ending they preferred what be most suitable for our thriller movie. The options I considered are:

1)The antagonist helps the protagonist move on with her life
2)The  protagonist finds out that the helper is the antagonist and in order to get rid of him she has to go an ancient house and burn the body of the antagonist which is hidden in the basement. By doing this, it is an old tradition that the antagonist will disappear as he is a ghost. Moreover, along the way there are a range of obstacles and clues which lead her the ancient house and in the end she is successful.
3) The protagonist finds out the antagonist is the betrayer but falls in love with him therefore, cannot do anything but commits suicide. 
4)The protagonist finds out that the antagonist is the betrayer, and tries to get revenge but the antagonist kills her. 

Picture of my research in a tally chart; The image below tells me that my target audience would prefer the ending of the plot to be what is stated in number 2. I can use this information to make my movie according to what the audience wants as they will be the ones paying to watch my movie, therefore, it is very important to identify the audiences opinion and taking them into consideration.  

Saturday 12 November 2011

Planning: Initial planning ideas ( Brainstorm)

Here we decided to brainstorm all the types of ideas we could consider, we did this to help us identify what our main idea would be. Moreover, by having a lot of ideas from each other it helped us identify the best one. We firstly took into consideration the plot. The plot is what the main story is going to be about and what happens (Narrative) therefore, the image below represents the ideas. An example, of an idea we cam up with that the image below represents is that the victim gets caught, and the plot could consider a voyeur. By identifying loads of ideas it broadened our mind.

Thursday 10 November 2011

Planning: Photographs of group planning ( More detailed brainstorm)

The image below represents a much detailed brainstorm of ideas that our thriller movie should consist of. We included the names we might take into consideration for example:

Your next
Watch out

We wrote down all the types of titles we could have and them decided to choose one as a group that would be very interesting. We decided to choose "Rewind". The reason behind was because rewind indicates that the thriller movie has something to do with the past. The title itself contains suspense and makes the audience want to know what is it that happens in the past to the character/s.

We also included the types of themes we'd consider for example:

murderous passion
Psychological thriller
Innocent on the run

This would enable us to make our plot and understand our thriller opening by choosing one and challenging "deary's methods.
As you can see there are loads of ideas we came up with and we then as a group decided to make out plot ect and choose explain why we chose it amongstt each other. To conclude, I found that brainstorming ideas within our group was very useful cause we gave each other ideas and communicated very good, however, if i were to do this task again one thing I would change is consider the costumes too.

Monday 7 November 2011

Plot - Psychological thriller/Supernatural

Girl wakes up with amnesia in a random room crosses names including her own unknowingly. Realizes she has killer people - trying to work out why - she knows they have hurt her. The person who has hurt her the most is herself. Someone helps her along the way however, climax is formed as the helper is the betrayer. Antagonist finds out. 

The ending is one of the most significant part of the movie, we have a lot of ideas for the ending therefore, will consider a questionnaire and interview depending on our target audience to help construct a appropriate ending that the audience will remember. Moreover, inorder for this to happen one of the factors we will have to consider as a group is who our target audience are. One way I will do this is by watching a range of thriller movies that consider Psychological thriller such as phycho, and supernatural thrillers to view who their target audience are and what is target audience is best suitable for my Thriller movie. 

The reason I chose this plot is because  it engages with the audience as it creates a lot of tension, excitement and builds an enigma for example, why is the antagonist in a room covered with pictures? 

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Research: Into representation of gender in thrillers

In thriller movies, female characters roles have changed dramatically, "Alien" 1979, was the first movie to have a women as its protagonist. This was an introduction to change the "rules" of the way gender represented. Moreover, they are no longer confined to stereotypical roles as housewives. Nor are they placed as sexual objects in movies. Before, in the early ages, in movies whereby the women has no sexual scene, people would label the women as lesbian. Sometimes in thriller movies the female has some sort of past, they are represented to be scared, vulnerable however, end up finding inner power to fight, examples, of these types of movies are: "Scream". "Dark water", and "I know what you did last summer". Another way females are represented is, the supporting characters is often killed off which emotionally torments the female character. This technique is also used to change the protagonist's attitude. During the movie the protagonist is usually depicted as being scared but after a certain character is killed off, the protagonist amasses enough courage to face the antagonist. Moreover, the female character is shown to be loving and caring in some thriller movies. Furthermore, females in thrillers are represented to look pretty. In my opinion i believe that the way females are represents has not had a massive change in thriller movies. They are still seen to be less powerful and most thriller movies usually is dominantly situated around a male character however, one thing that has changed is, women are no longer seen as sex objects and they can be the dominant character in some movies.
Males in thriller movies are usually stereo typically are represented to have instrumental roles for example, strong, muscular, brave and the main characters however, now some thrillers portray them as being confused, and caring for example, "Batman" is very in love with his lover. I strongly think that the representation of males have not changed as much, yes they have moved away slightly from them being represented to having the instrumental role however, they still in most thriller movies are portrayed to find some soft of inner power.