Wednesday 14 September 2011

Preliminary: Camera shot requirements

There was a specific structure that I had to maintain including specific camera shot requirements, for example, we had to include a conversation at one point and someone crossing the room.  Also, in terms of camera shot; the preliminary had to consist: 

Match on action
Continuity shot
Reverse shot

In order for me to achieve this, my teacher explained each shot to me by using examples from different films. This was beneficial because it gave me a deeper understanding of camera shots, for example, I could identify each camera shot on my own. 

I decided to portray my understanding of camera shots to the examiners and teachers by giving a definition of 'Match on action' and 'Reverse shot' in my own terminology. 

Match on action: When you edit cuts from one shot to another view that matches the first shot's action. Although the two shots may have been shot hours apart from one anoths, cutting on the actions enables contentiousness and prevents the audience from realizing that they may have been shot from two different times.

Reverse shot: One character is shown looking at another character (often off-screen), and then the other character is shown looking back at the first character

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