Tuesday 11 October 2011

Research:Narrative/ 5 point break down of plots

In todays lesson I understood the significance of Narration and narrative and I also therefore, did some more research into this to broaden my knowledge. The will be beneficial when I make my thriller movie as I will be able to know what the narrative of my story will be and explain it confidently.

Narrative refers to what happens or what is depicted in the film however, naration refers to how the narrative is presented to the spectator therefore, narrative refer to actions, characters and events whereas narration is the mechanism that controls how the spectator gains information about these. Moreover, the narrative is also how the story is organised and about how the understanding of the reader is organised by ways in which the story is told.

There are 4 main structure for narrative.

1. Begginning or exposition - gives us a basic situation of the story
2. Complication - where the situation is disrupted
3. Climax / crisis - the turning point
4. Resolution - where after the crisis, a new situation is established

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