Wednesday 5 October 2011

Genre: Analyzing - Blade Runner (Drama, Sci-fi and thriller) Attempt two

Genre: Drama, sci-fi, thriller

Director: Ridley Scott

A blade runner named Deckard is trying to track down  4 replicants. These replicants have
returned back to earth trying to find their maker by hijacking a ship in space. 

Robots - the movie is portrayed to the target group as an science fiction film, this makes the audience believe there movie is associated with space.

Indexical signs:
0:52 - a spaceship is shown, this indirectly tells the auidence the movie consist of action
0:28 - costumne indiretly symbolizes to the audience who the police is
0:32 - scientific computer indirectly idientifies to the audience who the villans are.

Symbolic codes:
1:06 - the women is smoking a cigerate, this tells the audience she is "cool" and "powerful"  This shows how there has been a dramatic change to the way women are now presentedin comparison to the early days for example, women would not be holding a cigeratte therefore, the patriarchal society is challenged.

Deckard is presented as the main character where he is trying to save the world, and the replicants are the vilans

Camera work:
Birds eye view, long shot - this is technique that is always represented in sci-fi films, it purpose is to reinforce how the audience the world is coming to an end or in this case the "replicants" are trying to take over. 
1:06 - low angle close up - represents a women face, this tells the audience she is very significant in the movie and powerful. Also it challenges the stereotype of how men are more dominant.

Setting: Los Angeles

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