Monday 17 October 2011

Sound: Introduction

For this lesson I specifically focused on sound and how it makes me as an audience feel. The teacher decided to play different types of sound and I had to guess what genre it would belong to and how it makes me feel. This activity gave me a more deeper understanding on how significant sound is and how much impact it has on me. For example, one sound that I listened to was a baby laughing, this made me have a rather happy feeling however, later I listened to a clock ticking really fast. This immediately changed my mood and made me feel nervous. I now understand that sound is one of the main key for the film industry, it is a way to connect to the audience as it can make them feel a specific way.

Some new key terms that I learnt are:

Sound track: All the sounds heard in a film, including the score, song, dialogues and sound effect
Diegesis: The world of the story for example harry potter’s broomstick
Diegetic sound: any sound that has a source in the world of the story for example, dialogue and footsteps
Non diegetic sound: Sound that comes from a source outside the world of the story
Synchronous sound: Sound that matches the image on screen
Asynchronous sound: Sound that doesn’t match the image on the screen. For example, a voice over (narrator)
Score: Musk repeated to accompany a film

I even gave examples to some of the key words that I might forget to help me understand them better.


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