Saturday 1 October 2011

Genre: Introduction

Today's lesson was very interactive, in pairs we had a range of images of films that represented different genres.To start of each pair had to explain to the class what genre the image represented and why. For example one of the images I had was "Hangover" which belonged to comedy. One feature that represented that the movie is a comedy was the baby wearing huge glasses. Another example is "A walk to remember" which belonged to romance. The reason for this is because it featured a close up of a women and man. There body language tells us that there together as there heads are touching among one another, and both character have a smile on their face for their facial expressions.  

Key words: 

Genre: Is a way of categorizing films, each genre has a set of convection.
Hybrid: When a movie consist of more then one genre.
Convection: Categorize and define the text 

We then discussed the significance of Actors for genres. Some actors define a specific genre, for example Adam Sandler is a famous actor who acts in movie that consist of comedy. Audiences that are a big fan of Adam Sandler are more likely to watch a movie that consist him even if they have no idea what the movie is about because they assume the movie is a comedy. Therefore, actors play a significant part in movies due to them belonging to a specific genre. However, some actors such as Will Smith belong to more then just one genre for example, action (men in black) and comedy (hitch), this challenges the whole idea how genre's have a specific formula to follow. Furthermore, most main stream movies have developed and now include hybrid. An example of hybrid is "Just go with it", this consist of two genres ( comedy and romance) in one movie. 

These are images of actors that belong to genres and names of a range of genres movies belong too.

This picture represents the task we had to do were we wrote down what genre these movies belong too.

In this lesson i learnt the significance of actors, audiences, institution, and genre. Genre's have a formula to follow however, they have now been developed and challenged, I know because a majority of main stream movies now consist of  hybrid for example, "I robot." 

In order to expand my general knowledge at home  I researched and analysed genres and movies, which enabled me to view the formula of genre to a deeper extent. 

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