Monday 9 January 2012

Evaluation 7: Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

The video above represents my preliminary video and the images below represent my progression from my preliminary to REWIND. 


Match on action

Reverse shot


When I first did the preliminary task, it was more like a trial. I was unaware of techniques and how to use the equipment therefore, I had limited knowledge when using the technology, and I was unaware of all the camera angles such as reverse shot and match on action. However, later on the process my knowledge and understanding broadened and I realized what camera angles i'd use and why as I understood the importance of it. For example, to make the audience identify the dominant character and feel emotions towards them, one camera shot I could consider is a close up or even an extreme close up. This will enable the character to feel a specific way towards that character due to the characters facial expression and enable them to acknowledge the characters importance. When producing my preliminary task I failed  to make the audience understand the characters perspective, one way I could have resolved this is by having a point of view shot.

Moreover, I strongly believe that my planning has improved throughout the process in a range of ways for example, for my horror opening, we created a story board and a shot list. This enabled me to understand and see what will happen in each shot, it also helped me understand why it is important for each shot to be situated in the way it is illustrated, for example, by having the main victim lying down on the floor rather then on a bed enables that audience to realize something is not right, also it starts to build suspense and makes the audience raise questions as to why the character is there. However, in the preliminary task I produced a rough story board but was unaware of the significance of each shot, therefore I just did what I thought was right with out taking a deep thought into what all the different camera shot/angle could demonstrate. Furthermore, my shot type have broadened and improved a lot;  during the preliminary we used very basic shots such as a long shots but "REWIND" contains a range of shots for example, birds eye view shot and also different camera angles. 

In terms of equipment I can confidently use each equipment effectively in comparison to how I used the equipment in my preliminary task. I didn't really know how to use the reflector and know importance of it and I was unaware of how to use the camcorder properly, However, for my horror movie, I understood why the reflector is important and how it can make the audience emphasis about the character and how every detail has a huge impact. Also, I feel as though at the beginning of media, I was very unaware of using the software 'Final Cut Express',. Now, I can confidently use; I learnt how to create effects, and edit shots, and audio. To conclude I believe that I have improved my skills and expanded my knowledge of media terms and programs. Also, having worked individually I strongly believe I have learnt and explored so much therefore, now understand the significance of media, technology, and equipment. 

Evaluation 7

View more presentations from komalr28.

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